Our Services

West Swindon Parish Council is responsible for a range of services for the benefit of residents in West Swindon and employs a small team to carry out service delivery. Swindon Borough Council remains the landowner.

Services we deliver

There is a problem at a play area, who is responsible?

The Parish Council maintains and refurbishes play areas across West Swindon. Inspections are made weekly from October to March and twice weekly from April to September. If there is a problem, you can report it to the Parish Team using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen.

If there is a problem at evenings, weekends or public holidays, please contact Swindon Borough Council's out of hours team on 01793 445501.

I have found broken glass/needles, who do I call?

During the working day you can contact the Parish Office on 01793 299 399 to report any needle or drug detritus or broken glass.

If there is a problem at evenings, weekends or public holidays, please contact swindon Borough Council's out of hours team on 01793 445501.

If there is an urgent problem that requires immediate attention please call 999.

When will the grass be cut?

The Parish Council cuts grass across West Swindon on a two to three weekly cycle. We are cutting longer this year to enable regrowth between cuts. If you think we have missed an area, please contact us to let us know using the Request for Service button at the top of the screen.

There is an overflowing bin, who is responsible?

The Parish Council empties public bins Monday to Friday. Toothill, Freshbrook and Shaw Village Centres are emptied daily. Play areas and parks are emptied twice weekly.

Tesco and other small shops may have their own bins. We do not empty bins in Lydiard Park, nor do we cover Peatmoor shops.

If you see an overflowing bin, you can contact us to let us know using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen.


There is fly tipping, who is responsible?

Both West Swindon Parish and Swindon Borough Council have responsibility.

For small amounts of waste on public land, verges and open spaces, you can contact the Parish Council using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen.

For large items and mass waste, you can report it to Swindon Borough Council here. Sometimes this will be investigated by Swindon Borough Council’s environmental crime team.

You can book appointments at the household waste and recycling centre at Waterside if you need to get rid of items from your home.


Who is responsible for removing graffiti?

The Parish Council will remove offensive graffiti on public property within 5 working days of it being reported unless there is a practical reason why this cannot be done. Non-offensive markings will be removed when there are the resources available to do so. Please use the Request a Service button at the top of the screen to report ir to us.

If graffiti is on private walls or fences, we cannot remove it. Swindon Borough Council offer a service for home owners, further details can be found here: Report graffiti | Swindon Borough Council


I have problem with trees that neighbour my property, who is responsible?

Swindon Borough Council is responsible for all trees on public land in West Swindon.

Generally it is the home owners responsibility to manage any overhanging branches or falling leaves/fruit themselves.

If there is a safety issue or damage to property you must report it to Swindon Borough Council in the first instance: Tree maintenance

If there is a fallen tree that requires the specialist tree team to remove, or has occurred out of hours, please call Swindon Borough Council on (01793) 445501.

There are low hanging branches causing a problem for pedestrians and cyclists?

You can remove any overgrowth on your property from plants on neighbouring land.

You should take care not to damage or remove the plant, shrub or tree if it is on public land.

There are no permissions in place that give you the right to remove or damage plants on public land. If you have a concern, please contact us using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen in the first instance so that we can arrange a home visit.

You must dispose of any cuttings responsibly. You cannot leave them on public land as this is classed as illegal fly tipping and you could be fined.


There is a problem with brambles or nettles?

The Parish Council can strim or cut back brambles or nettles when they are getting in the way of the footpath. Please use the Request a Service button at the top of the screen to report it to us.

There is a problem with overgrown shrubbery around my property/car parking space, can I remove it?

You can remove any overgrowth on your property from plants on neighbouring land.

You should take care not to damage or remove the plant, shrub or tree if it is on public land.

There are no permissions in place that give you the right to remove or damage plants on public land. If you have a concern, please contact us using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen first so that we can arrange a home visit.

You must dispose of any cuttings responsibly. You cannot leave them on public land as this is classed as illegal flytipping and you could get fined.

When will the Parish Council cut the shrubs/hedges?

The Parish Council cuts hedges and shrubs in the Autumn and Winter. There is usually one cut a year.

If you have a problem outside of that time, please contact us using the Request a Service button at the top of the screen and we will do our best to help.

We need the road sweeping/drains clearing?

Swindon Borough Council is responsible for road sweeping and all roadside drain problems. You can report a problem on their website.

To request the road sweeper use this link: Report a dirty street or land that needs cleaning | Swindon Borough Council 

To report a problem with drainage or flooding use this link: Drains and sewers | Flooding | Swindon Borough Council

There is a problem with the state of pavements, cycle paths and footways, who is responsible?

Swindon Borough Council is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all footpaths, cycle paths and roads. You can register a problem or concern on their website using this link: Roads, footpaths, pavements and verges maintenance and repair | Swindon Borough Council

There is a faulty street lamp, who do I report it to?

Swindon Borough Council is responsible for street furniture and street lighting. You can report a fault directly using this link: Report a faulty street light or illuminated sign | Swindon Borough Council

Can I leave green waste on the land next to my garden waste?

No. Any waste material that is left on public land is classed as illegal flytipping and you could get fined. It does not matter where the waste has come from and it does not matter if the waste will eventually rot down.

You have no permission for this and you could damage the local environment. If you know of someone who is doing this, you can report it to us.

There is waste accumulating in the area by my local shops, who is responsible?

Many of the village centres have a service yard area or they have a space that they lease behind their units. They are responsible for keeping this clean and tidy.

If the problem is serious, you can report it to Swindon Borough Council's environmental team using this link: Report rubbish on private land | Swindon Borough Council