Full Council March 2024

25 Mar 2024 - 18:45

Toothill Community Centre

Public Questions:

1. Two business representatives from Westmead Industrial Estate advised Councillors that changes as Wilkes Dance Academy had expanded their student base and the results are problematic with significant numbers of cars parking across the estate on a daily basis.

2. A resident from Toothill asked what plans the Parish Council might have for Toothill farmhouse. Issues relating to drug dealing have been going on a long time. The nursery owner did not comply with locking the entrance gates and there is concern that this could get worse. 

3. A resident advised that the roadside collection crews were not handling waste responsibly with varying collection times and were creating additional littering with bin lids not being replaced.

4.  A resident flagged that there could be defibrillator and bleed kit funded from the Toothill Clean and Green fund to ensure that Toothill Village Centre had proper provision. 

5. A resident suggested that the Parish Council secures only freehold arrangements for any buildings transferred from Swindon Borough Council.

6. A resident asked if access to the area around Toothill farmhouse would continue as it has been used by local dog walkers for a long time. The resident suggested that there was a covenant on the land restricting it to use by the youth of Toothill. 

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  • Peter Bates

  • Suresh Gattapur

  • Leon Grother (PLE Chair)

  • Rose Llewellyn (FC & FS Chair)

  • Tim Makofu

  • Graham Philpot

  • Trish Philpot

  • Nandini Singh

  • Caryl Sydney Smith (FC & FS Vice Chair)

  • Keith Williams

  • Sean Wilson (PLE Vice Chair)