
It is important to the Councillors in West Swindon Parish that there is transparency and accountability for its financial decisions and practices.  To support this, in line with the Transparency Statutory Code requirements, we publish expenditure information over £500 and information about salaries.

Expenditure Exceeding £500

Details of payments for last year are as follows: WSPC Payments Over £500 2023-24

Historic payments over £500 can be viewed here


Local authorities must publish information about any counter fraud work.

The Parish Council does not have any current fraud cases.


Local authorities must publish their Constitution on their website. This must be published annually.

You will find all WSPC policies and procedures here

Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations

Information on grants approved by West Swindon Parish Council in the last two financial years is set out below.  For information of approved grants prior to this timeframe please email 

Further information on how to apply for a grant can be found here




Financial Year

Minute Ref

Toothill Big Local



2022 - 2023

FC 97 AE

Toothill Junior Youth Club



2022 – 2023

FC 232

West Swindon Library



2022 - 2023


Hardship Fund (West Swindon)



2023 - 2024

PLE 118.1

West Swindon Family Project



2023 - 2024

PLE 118.1

Toothill The Hub



2023 - 2024

PLE 118.1

Peatmoor Angling Club



2023 – 2024

FC 252




2023 – 2024

FC 252

Toothill Church



2023 - 2024

FC 252


Staff Structure

West Swindon Parish Council Staff Structure 2024

There are a number of exemptions and redactions from the data in line with the Transparency Code requirements, including the exemption of non-commercial payments to specific individuals which cannot be disclosed as they are covered by Data Protection Act requirements. Individual employee payments information are also not included.

Pay Multiple

To comply with the legislation, the council will operate a transparent pay system, based on objective criteria and publish pay details of staff in line with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. 

  • The Parish Council has seventeen employees of which there is one employee/Chief Officer (Clerk/Parish Manager) who is salaried above £50,000 at LC4 (46-54).
  • For the purpose of this pay policy statement the Council’s lowest paid employees are defined as those paid at LC1 (9) , or closest to, for those that have TUPE’d to the Parish Council, for which the annual Full Time Equivalent salary is currently £25,014.68.
  • Mean salary is £29,786.94. The Council does not have a policy regarding the ratio between the remuneration of its top earner, its lowest paid employees and other employees, the current ratio are detailed below

Ratio highest to mean is 1.99:1


Trade Union Facility Time

The Parish Council does not have any Trade Union representatives.


Local Authority Land



Owned or Leased



Land for use

Frankland Road,
Blagrove SN5 8RU



Allotment Gardens


Social Housing Asset Value

Local authorities must publish details on the value of social housing assets within local authorities Housing Revenue Account. This must be published annually.

The Parish Council does not hold any Social Housing Assets.


Parking Account

Local authorities must publish on their website, or place a link on their website to this data if published elsewhere: a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account, and a breakdown of how the authority has spent a surplus on its parking account. This must be published annually.

The Parish Council does not have a parking account.

Parking Spaces

Local authorities must publish the number of marked out controlled on and off-street parking spaces within their area, or an estimate of the number of spaces where controlled parking space is not marked out in individual parking bays or spaces. This must be published annually.

The Parish Council does not have any parking spaces.